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Tunnel Project

Field activities may be occurring in your area.  These activities include surface and underground investigations.  DELCORA has contracted firms to perform this work.  Notifications will be made as necessary and all efforts to minimize impact to the community will be taken.  If you have any questions about this work, please use the Contact Us box on the website or 610-876-5523 Ext. 272 and leave a message and a DELCORA representative will get back to you.

Keep an eye out for more information about what this means for you. And, you can always check here to see updates on progress and status.

To review a copy of the final Eastern Service Area Act 537 Plan CLICK HERE.

DELCORA Wastewater Tunnel Project
Investing in Our Community. Saving Money for Taxpayers. Creating Local Jobs.

DELCORA Public Meetings:

Monday, March 21, 2022 – Public Meeting March 21, 2022 Presentation

Thursday, April 21, 2022 – Public Meeting April 21, 2022 Presentation

Monday, April 25, 2022 – Public Meeting April 25, 2022 Presentation

Thursday, April 28, 2022 – Public Meeting – April 28, 2022 Presentation

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Public Meeting – September 21, 2022 Presentation


Notice is hereby given that DELCORA and the City of Chester will host a public meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at Chester City Hall – Council Chambers, 1 E. 4th St., Chester, PA. The meeting will address the planned expansion of the DELCORA wastewater system through the construction of a tunnel.

Several permits and approvals are required before the expansion can move forward: DELCORA Wastewater Tunnel Project (PADEP # E2301221-018)(CENAP-OPR-2020-0761) – Joint Permit Application; DELCORA Wastewater Tunnel Project PAD230060 (APS ID No. 1066176); DELCORA NPDES Discharge Permit Amendment Application (PA0027103); Act 537 Sewage Facilities Planning; DELCORA Water Quality Management (WQM) Part II Permit – DELCORA Wastewater Tunnel and PS-7 (#2322404); Submerged Lands License Agreement; PAG-10 Hydrostatic Discharge Permit (if applicable);  DELCORA Water Quality Management (WQM) Part II Permit – WRTP; Delaware River Basin Commission Docket (D-1992-018 CP-4) Modification.

Anyone interested is invited to attend (or watch via Chester City Council Facebook Page) and learn about the project and permitting process.


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Pay for Bid Specs

Copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained upon payment for each set. Pay for your desired bid documents below:

Employment Application

Employment Application

Step 1 of 7


Welcome to DELCORA’s career opportunity page. Here at DELCORA our success is no secret, it lies within the individuals employed at DELCORA. We pride ourselves in the teamwork environment we encourage that not only betters individual skill work, but betters DELCORA as a whole.

Apply for a future or current job opportunity at DELCORA:

Online: You may also submit an online job application form.

Mail: If you would prefer to print and manually complete the application form you may download our Employment Application PDF and mail it in to the address below:

Human Resources
DELCORA Administration Building
100 East Fifth Street
Chester, PA 19013

It is important that your application shows all the relevant education and experience you possess. Applications may be rejected if incomplete.

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action

DELCORA is an equal opportunity/affirmative action firm. DELCORA prides itself on providing equal employment and advancement opportunities in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. DELCORA does not discriminate in employment decisions or terms of employment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, citizenship status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. This policy governs all aspects of employment, including, but not limited to selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training. Anyone having questions concerning DELCORA’s commitment to non-discriminatory policies and practices should contact DELCORA’s Human Resources Department at 610-876-5523.

Right to Know


Download Right To Know Request Form


This policy is made pursuant to Act 3 of 2008, the Pennsylvania Right-To-Know Law (the “Law”). All requests for Authority records covered by the Law will be governed by both the Law and this policy.

  1. The Authority shall only be required to respond to requests for records made under the Law if submitted in writing. Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the Authority from responding to oral requests for such records, but it shall not be required to do so.
  2. The Authority designates Barbara Bonnett as “Right-to-Know Officer.”
  3. Documents requested as provided herein and deemed public records shall be available for inspection, retrieval, and duplication at the Authority’s administrative offices during established business hours (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) with the exception of weekends and holidays.
  4. Written requests for records under the Law may be submitted in person, via mail, via fax or via e-mail. All written requests must state an address to which the response shall be sent.
  1. Written requests for records under the Law submitted in person may be submitted at 100 East Fifth Street, Chester, Pennsylvania. Requests submitted in person must be enclosed in an envelope labeled:


  2. Written requests for records submitted via mail must be addressed as follows:

Right-to-Know Officer


P.O. Box 999

Chester, Pennsylvania  19016-0999

 c. Written requests for records submitted via fax shall be sent to (610) 876-2728, and shall include a cover sheet which conspicuously states:


d. Written requests for records submitted via e-mail shall be sent to, and shall state “Right-to-Know Request” in the subject line.

5. The Authority shall make a good-faith effort to provide the requested public records as promptly as practical. The Right-to-Know Officer shall cooperate with those requesting records to review and/or duplicate original Authority documents while taking reasonable measures to protect such documents from theft, damage and/or modification.

The Right-to-Know Officer shall review all written requests for access to public records. As soon as practical, but no later than five (5) business days after receiving a written request to access public records, the Right-to-Know Officer shall respond to such requests in writing consistent with Act 3 of 2008, the Right-to-Know Law.

If access to a record is denied, the response shall include a reason for denial, as stipulated in Act 3 of 2008, the Right-to-Know Law.

6. If a written request is denied, or deemed denied, the requester may file an appeal in writing to Terry Mutchler, Executive Director, Office of Open Records, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Plaza Level, Harrisburg, PA  17120-0225.

Appeals shall be filed within fifteen (15) business days of the mailing date of the Authority’s response, or within fifteen (15) days of a deemed denial, as the case may be. The appeal shall state the grounds upon which the requester asserts the records are public records and shall address any grounds stated by the Authority for delaying or denying the request.

7. If a request is granted, the documents responsive thereto may be duplicated. The requester shall be liable to the Authority in the amount of twenty five cents ($.25) per page, or per side for two-sided documents, for duplication, plus the cost of postage if the requested documents are reproduced by the Authority and mailed to the requester. Specialized documents including, but not limited to blue prints, color copies and non-standard sized documents shall be charged the actual cost of reproduction. The requester may also have documents certified by the Authority.  Certification shall be made at the cost of one dollar ($1.00) per document. Any amount due from the requester to the Authority pursuant to this paragraph must be paid upon receipt of the documents; provided, however, the Authority shall require prepayment if the costs under this paragraph are anticipated to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).